Pickleballer in the 808: Sean Kimura


Pickleballer in the 808 Sean Kimura (far right), with Gary and Shavar at the Pac Rim Tournament this past summer

Honolulu—As many of them do, this Pickleballer in the 808 downplays the impact he has out at the Courts. Yet the aloha spirit permeates his interactions, so much so that he was nominated to be featured here in the newsletter/blog!

Meet Sean Kimura. He’s only been playing for a little over a year, but in that short time, he’s attributed pickleball with majorly upping the fun factor in his life. Not to mention that he’s already winning in competition—he snagged a Bronze medal in Men’s Doubles 3.0 (30-39) at the Pac Rim Tournament a few months ago.

The nomination form said that Sean is the “perfect ambassador for the game of pickleball”—he’s always willing to let other players test various paddles and accessories that he brings to the courts, and that he has an “infectious personality…people want to be around him on and off the courts!”

Read on to learn more about Pickleballer in the 808 Sean Kimura!


Sean (R) with Shavar (L) and Jenny

Currently residing in:

I am currently residing in Kakaako. Very close to home court =)

Where did you grow up and what high school did you go to?

I spent most of my youth in the Mccully area, and moved with my family to the Nu’uanu area back when I was a junior in High School. I was fortunate enough to have attended St. Louis for most of my middle school and all of High School.

Congratulations, you were nominated to be recognized as a “Pickleballer in the 808”. What does it mean to you to have been nominated and how do you strive to embody the aloha spirit at the Courts?

Being nominated was not something I expected nor, honestly, knew was a thing.

In such a short time, pickleball has given me so much that I don't know where to start.

I’ve met so many great people, made so many new friends and had the opportunity to compete in the sport that to be honest is more fun than I've had in a while.

Carrying on the aloha spirit on the courts is not hard to do considering everyone there does the same thing. Everyone is so inviting that it makes it hard not to have the contagious positive attitude and want to share that experience with everyone you meet!

How did you discover pickleball and when did you start playing?

I discovered pickleball when a friend at work told me he plays. I asked him to teach me as I always see people playing at Mother Waldron and thought it might be fun.

One morning we went to Mother Waldron, ended up meeting everyone, who happened to teach us (the two rookies) the rules and how to play.

The rest is PB history LOL!

I’ve been playing for just about a year now and feel like it was just yesterday that I started.

What do you love most about pickleball?

What I really love about pickleball is the range of competitiveness you can experience. Everything from playing a goof-around game, to a knock-down drag-out, both teams never get off a point type of match.

What do you do outside of pickleball?

Outside of pickleball, I’m a Hawaiian Airlines pilot, and I enjoy working on cars, spending time with my family and my Pup Gizmo.


Sean with Gizmo

What paddle are you playing with?

I’m currently playing with a CRBN 1X14mm paddle. I’m a firm believer in the brand and have been lucky enough to have just gotten a place as an Ambassador for them.

How often do you play?

I play a minimum of 5 times a week. Sometimes twice a day.

What’s the next goal you’re working toward (in pickleball or otherwise)?

Nothing specific but putting in the work to get better!

Anything else on your mind?

Just appreciative to have been so welcomed and included in the pickleball community.


Sean, second from right, with his doubles partner Shavar, after medaling at the Pac Rim Tourney


Warm-up in Kona: Gary, Jenny, Sean and Shavar


Pickleballer in the 808: SANDRA WOO


Pickleballer in the 808: Todd Smith