Pickleballer in the 808: Todd Smith


Pickleballer in the 808: Todd Smith, aka “Pickleball Todd”

Honolulu—When I started playing, I got hooked instantly. I wanted to go from 0-60, from being sedentary at my desk everyday to taking lessons and playing every day.

I bought a new paddle, balls, a net, UV protective clothing, court shoes, and started watching YouTube videos and jabbering on and on to my family and friends about pickleball.

(Can you relate?)

Even so, the level of my enthusiasm pales in comparison to “Pickleball Todd”.

Todd Smith is possibly one of the most positive people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. In the few exchanges we had before we met in person, he’d pepper his emails with “it's all about the Pickleball Passion!!!” and “Whoever has the most fun wins!!!”, and he’d always end with:

Play pickleball with your heart.

Dink with your heart.

Drop with your heart.

Give from your heart.

And he means it.

He’s genuine. Someone you want on your team and in your corner.

He also volunteers his time as a PB808 Ambassador, so when you see him out at the Courts, get ready to smile and take a pic!

Without further ado, please meet Pickleballer in the 808 Todd Smith!


Pickleball Todd showed up to meet me with a giant cap emblazoned with “Pickleball 808”

Currently residing in: Waikiki

Where did you grow up and what high school did you go to?

I grew up in Sacramento, California, and have been living in Hawai’i for over 30 years.

How did you discover PB and when did you start playing?

I’ve been playing pickleball for a year and a half. I have a tennis background.

I was watching some people play pickleball at the Diamond Head Courts. Some of the players were so kind and let me play. They were also so kind to let me borrow their paddle.

It only took one game and I got hooked.

What do you love most about pickleball?

I love pickleball because of the socializing, very cheap to play, all ages can play, easy game to play, and tons of laughter.


Pickleball Todd with some PB peeps he met from San Diego

What paddle are you playing with?

I play with a USA Approved Ben Johns 14mm Joola paddle.

How often do you play?

Three times a week.

Anything else on your mind?

My vision is to see if we pickleball players somehow give back to the community. I can give pickleball lessons for beginners and charge only $10. That $10 would go to feed a homeless person or if we made more a lot more money we could donate to the people of Lahaina. People of Lahaina are still suffering. Or maybe we can come up with different ideas on how to give back with our favorite pickleball game. Any ideas?


Pickleballer in the 808: Sean Kimura


Pickleballer in the 808: Tyler Makabe