O’AHU: Jan 2024 K2 Pickleball’s Singles/Doubles Tournament


HONOLULU—The K2 Pickleball Singles/Doubles Tournament was held at Moanalua High School on January 5-7, 2024. Here are the results of the Tournament:

Women’s Singles 3.5

GOLD - Allyn Kau

SILVER - Jessie McMorrow

BRONZE - Emmy Barnhorst

Men’s Singles 3.0

GOLD - Chase Kumakura

SILVER - Chris Bluhm

Men’s Singles 3.5 (15-54)

GOLD - Randon Ho

SILVER - Nale Kautai

BRONZE - Troy Buckland

Men’s Singles 3.5 (55+)

GOLD - Alan Mukai

SILVER - Stan Roth

Men’s Singles 4.0

GOLD - Rusten Ho

SILVER - Darren Graves

BRONZE - Arnie Dun

Men’s Singles 4.5+

GOLD - Albert Fitch

SILVER - Rick Aaroe

BRONZE - Alex Berganio

Women’s Doubles 3.0

GOLD - Nelly Beckmann / Kat Daotay

SILVER - Kristi Komeya / Lori Matsushige

Women’s Doubles 3.5

GOLD - Leslie Fujitani / Hannah Ocampo

SILVER - Yan Bratakos / Jessie McMorrow

BRONZE - Lena Gouveia / Julee Nishimura

Women’s Doubles 4.0

GOLD - Allyn Kau / Rachel Lindsey

SILVER - Erica Balacy / Cory Hironaga

BRONZE - Shayla Molnar / Moana Reyes

Women’s Doubles 4.5+

GOLD - Theresa Devere / Terrie Robson

SILVER - Jess Shimoda / Darcy Tokunaga

Men’s Doubles 3.0

GOLD - Kelly Kamisato / Todd Kiyama

SILVER - James Higa / Chris Tumaneng

BRONZE - Tommy Battisto / Chase Kumakura

Men’s Doubles 3.5

GOLD - Evan Bisho / Ryan Wert

SILVER - Michael Jimenez / Christian Yousling

BRONZE - Ron Grimes / Jay Sokolowsky

Men’s Doubles 4.0

GOLD - Kamaha'o Arita / Tristan Simmons

SILVER - Darren Graves / Mike Imai

BRONZE - Albino Aguil / Alan Mukai

Men’s Doubles 4.5+

GOLD - Jesse Tagura / Ikona Freitas

SILVER - JT Kim / Gregory Zukeran

BRONZE - Alex Berganio / Randy Liu

Mixed Doubles 3.0

GOLD - Yan Bratakos / Salah Khudari

SILVER - Lori Matsushige / Ricardo Damo

BRONZE - Sandra Woo / Kelly Kamisato

Mixed Doubles 3.5

GOLD - Shayla Molnar / Ryan Wert

SILVER - Taylor Sakai / Grant Tsukada

BRONZE - Shay Walden / Albino Aguil

Mixed Doubles 4.0

GOLD - Rachel Lindsey / Rick Aaroe

SILVER - Hannah Ocampo / JT Kim

BRONZE - Erica Balacy / Gerry Lobo

Mixed Doubles 4.5+

GOLD - Cat Ogimi / Travis Ogimi

SILVER -Theresa Devere / Kyle Paredes

BRONZE - Jess Shimoda / Greg Zukeran


Pickleballer in the 808: Lea Carey


Pickleballer in the 808: Yoshinori Tamukai